Our Redeemer Can Calm Every Storm – Part 2

“…Let us go over unto the other side…” – Luke 8:22 (KJV)

On the sea of destiny, we still encounter sudden and unexpected storms striking our vessels. We know that we are headed to the other side, but sometimes we have a misconception that if the Lord told us to go to the other side, then everything along the ride would be bright and beautiful. So we jump into the boat expecting a ‘joy ride’, which turns into what seems like a ride from hell itself. We then react like the disciples in the above Scripture, demanding, “Why didn’t you tell me this was going to happen? What are you trying to do to me? Do you want to kill me?”  

If Peter had been interviewed during the storm, he might have said, “Is this what it means to serve God? I didn’t bargain for this.” In his mind’s eye, he saw greatness and success in his Master. The massive crowds at the outdoor crusades! The numerous miracles of healing! He had witnessed five thousand men, plus women and children, camping out for three days to enjoy the greatest Teacher on earth and experience His anointing.

Jesus fed the entire crusade audience with a few fish and loaves (Mark 6:31-44). Peter was there. When the disciples were hungry, Jesus could just pull out a sandwich and duplicate it. Now the meeting came to a close, and Jesus said, “…Let US go over to the other side..”. In the process of obeying the Words of Jesus, a devastating storm hit the entire lake. They went from great success to a possible defeat in a few hours. They went from the mountain peak experiences to the raging waves of possibly sinking. They forgot the Words of Jesus. They forgot that the Miracle Worker was in the boat!

Their main problem was that they forgot His Words. His Words were His promise. His Words cannot be altered, neither can He lie. How can they forget such an amazing miracle of the loaves in such a short time? Easy; we do it as well.

Let us not forget the redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary. Let’s transfer the Truth we already know about Jesus to our own life situations. Let us listen to His voice as He keeps whispering, ‘Cross over to the other side.’

Read: Mark 4:19; Mark 6:52

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 97; I Corinthians 9:19-27; I Corinthians 10:1-13; 2 Chronicles 2; 2 Chronicles 3; 2 Chronicles 4; 2 Chronicles 5:1

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